"I Can Assure You Officer, I've Only Had a Few Ales"

"Jesus H Fucking Christ, I feel Minge...." That hideous feeling of pig shit in your brains, dry mouthedness, bloodshot eyes that can only see from behind inch thick sunglasses, Slight wooziness to everything. Hangovers s-u-c-k.
My bad, and on a school night as well, tsk tsk....damn it all to hell - why can't I just go out, get arse holed, and then wake up without any of the downside. WHY? it's not bloody fair I tell you. My liver is 37 years old, surely, by now it must know better that to keep on quivering like a half dead Salmon.
I'm reading "Smoking in Bed: Conversations with Bruce Robinson" creator of Withnail, Screenwriter of "The Killing Fields"; utter genius & raconteur. My favourite quote so far:
"I can't blame (her) for my alcoholism, I can only blame wine & my mouth for that"
Quite so Bruce, you beautiful man, quite so

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