"Am I Mingin'?"

I'm not going to get into wagon jumping that has occurred in recent Weeks' (I've always thought she was a twat, and I am obviously superior for knowing this...) Instead, I thought I'd highlight some classic Goody Twatery: (I don't care that that isn't a word, I'm on the moral high ground tonight...)
These wordy delights all came from Goody's silly little mouthole:
- Rio de Janeiro, ain't that a person?
- What's a sparagus? Do you grow it?
- Sherlock Holmes invented toilets.
- Mother Theresa is from Germany.
- It's Mona Lisa who's symmetrical, innit?
- They were trying to use me as an escape goat.
- Do you play croquet on a horse?
couple of things to take your mind of it all:
Frogger or watch some TV on your PC (good link...) or this or this