Because we separate, it ripples our reflections...
Posted by Nevermind at 3:46 pm 1 comments
Labels: Don't Get Me Started, Music
Too many guys think I'm a concept, or I complete them, or I'm gonna make them alive.
"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"
is, purely and simply... heartbreaking.
With a script by Charlie Kaufman (Adaptation, Being John Malkovich) and direction from Michel Gondry (later to make the excellent, if slightly incomplete Science of Sleep) you are getting a lot of film for your money.
Brilliantly written, perfect dialogue (I would actually say painful, haunting and passionate dialogue) incredibly creative direction, this is one of those Science Fiction/Love Story/Comedy type things that come along once in a while, right(?). Well, actually, no...
Fair enough, it is difficult to put this into a genre, but, that just makes me like this film all the more.
I'm struggling here to give this it fair criticism, without weeping into a week old tissue. OK, it's far from perfect, and if you don't like Jim Carrey, or Kate Winselt, then you are a bit buggered, but hell, they are both flawless in their roles.
For an absolutely brilliant synopsis of what they hell this is all about, you'd do worse to look here.
but in a brief style, here's what you need to know about the story:
"A couple undergo a procedure to erase each other from their memories when their relationship turns sour, but it is only through the process of loss that they discover what they had to begin with"
It won the Oscar for best original screenplay, and Kate Winslet was nominated for best performance by an actress in a leading role. (Which is nice)
Now, excuse me while I go a big wobbly one and die of dehydration from all tears I've shed... you have been warned.
Posted by Nevermind at 9:46 am 0 comments
Labels: Film
Yeti Bloody Pingu Throw
Posted by Nevermind at 11:46 am 0 comments
Labels: bored, Don't Get Me Started
Posted by Nevermind at 9:42 am 0 comments
Labels: viral
If you don't know who Banksy is then you're either a bit of a twat, or you've been trapped under something heavy for about a decade, and therefore haven't looked out of your window for a little bit. there's some new stuff on his website. Check it
There's also a book. Which is nice.
Posted by Nevermind at 1:59 pm 0 comments
I was a little bit bored today
So, to fill the time, I copied this
...absolute genius
Posted by Nevermind at 5:41 pm 0 comments
Labels: bored, Don't Get Me Started
"Money won is twice as sweet as money earned"
2) The Color of Money (1986)
- Have we got two ego's big enough to fill the roles, and therefore fill cinema seats?. Check.
- Have we got a massively influential Director, much praised and respect for his ability to raise the bar in modern Cinematic terms, not to mention summing up the word "zeitgeist"?. Check. (Scorsese, you dummies...)
- What about a script. Check! (Richard Price, later to write Sea of Love....)
Well fuck me silly, we've got ourselves a movie!.... go go go go.
And now see, here's the thing: this film sort of didn't do quite as well as everyone expected. What!. Why?...
Looking back at the hype prior to release you can see why people might have been disappointed. Cruise, whilst really, really good in this film, just doesn't prepare the audience to not like him too much. Newman, on the other hand is smooth, smouldering and extremely fucking cool. I don't think anyone was really ready for his character to be so... complete. Newman had come from another time, to show Cruise how it's done. The ending might even have seemed unsatisfactory, leaving many story threads unresloved. Just like life does, sometimes
If you're going to read on good review of the time (good, as in well written) go here
Now, in 2007, I suggest this is one of the purest films of the 1980's. Scorsese here is a man at the top of his game. Not showing off using circus tricks in his filming, editing, cut scenes. The script is honest, sassy, and almost entirely believable. The soundtrack is really good, and there's not a hint of the saccharine taste that so many films of the time left in your mouth.
you only have to look at how both actors progressed through the late 1980's and into the 1990's. Both of whom still appearing in influential films to this day. OK, "The Color of Money" may not of been a box office hit. It may not be either star's best work (or the Directors...) but it is brave, honest, gritty and above all entertaining. if you have already, I strongly suggest you watch this movie.
Posted by Nevermind at 8:35 am 0 comments
Labels: Film
"We were always small time, but we were never clowns"
If you haven't see this film, or are wondeing if it might look remotely 1980's trying to look like the 1950's it so wonderfully alludes to, don't worry. It doesn't.
What this film has in spades is pure, unadulterated, class, not to mention a script that will have you wryly smiling, as well as feeling slightly hot under the collar looking at the sublime Ms Pfieffer (and that 'aint a word I use too often). There is just no way that you cannot enjoy this story unfolding.
and underneath it all, the story has so many facets that just keep you coming back time after time. It's about Brothers, Family, bonds that cannot be broken, and dream that often are.
I dare you not to lbe moved by this movie.....
Posted by Nevermind at 2:08 pm 0 comments
Labels: Film